Friday, June 10, 2011

Prologue, Pt.1


Alright, so this could be a massively failed experiment. I am notoriously bad for not keeping these things up to date. I used to have a blog when I was, what, seventeen or so, which I kept fairly regularly updated for a few years. I either got bored with it or I ran out of things to say. When you're seventeen there's little of importance to be said anyway. Don't get me wrong, I remember that it felt important at the time. It was the most important thing in the world to have my say. I guess it was just easier to ignore the amount of absolute cock I was typing while I said it.

Fast forward to the present day. I have done lots more with my life. I learnt more, experienced more, seen things I didn't really think I would see and got fairly drunk along the way. The main focus to be discussed here, though, is my writing and my attempts to become published. I've just completed the first draft of my first novel. Three days ago, in fact, and I'm pretty chuffed with it. I've spent the last couple of days celebrating with my fiancée. Maybe it's not a big deal - I mean, it's just a lot of words on a text document at the moment, right? - but considering the story surrounding my attempts at writing the bloody thing, I felt it deserved a little celebration at least. I'll get into that eventually. (Since actually getting the book to the point where it's ready to mail out to publishers will take a while I'll need to fluff out these weekly posts at some point. Next week, maybe.)

I'll also be updating on my thoughts and experiences along the road to getting the book into print. I'll provide links to any good articles I find on agents, publishers, the writing market as a whole, self publishing, the ebook revolution and anything else. I'll try and steer clear of the cute kittens, though. Don't get me wrong, I love a cute kitten as much as the next person, but there's a million and one other kitten blogs and I'm going to try and keep this semi-professional. Hah, that's an idea. Give it a few months and see how many uses of the words 'dick' are here. (smiley face!)

Also, I'll try and avoid the use of smilies. I'm useless for spamming them everywhere on my Facebook page.

There could be hundreds, maybe thousands, of similar blogs up already. I just couldn't find too many. I mean, there's author's blogs and journalist blogs and blogs about the state of the literary market at the moment. I simply couldn't locate any directly revelant to the challenge of getting it from my brain to my word processor to someone willing to publish it, or at least a blog that was being updated at the same time it all happened. I'm basically making it all up as I go along, y'know. I don't know about blog groups or author review trading (Read it in an article somewhere that that happens!). I consider myself fairly well versed in the use of the Internet as a tool for communication and information distribution, but not so much when it comes to writers and readers getting a dialogue going.

If my book sucks and I lose interest, I'll just post some cute kittens.


  1. When you spam publishers, if you get rejected, just make it free online. Then write another book, and spam publishers.

    Repeat this until you're an online literary phenomenon, and your craft is spiced with a body of serious work. You'll get a book deal with some company targeting Kindle readers.

    Good luck!

  2. Cheers for the advice John - I like the straightforward approach! I'm looking forward to when the book's ready to go out to the publishers. I reckon it'll be a stack full of rejections somewhere along the line regardless of if it gets picked up. I've read up a bit on the Kindle market going mental, and I'll be taking a more serious study over the next few weeks. Thanks for the tip though.
